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Spring League Meeting

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Thank you to those coordinators who attended our league meeting on May 8th. Detailed notes were sent to all coordinators later that evening, but here are a few of the important decisions made in that meeting which will be implemented starting with our fall 2024 league.

  1. In order to help coaches with the playing time requirement, all 3rd and 4th grade rec (boys and girls) matches will play the 3rd set to 25.  This is on a trial basis and we will discuss in our January meeting if we want to make this a permanent rule.
  2. Due to disparity in skill level at this age, we will offer an athletic and a rec division for 7th/8th grade boys starting this fall.
  3. To clarify the use of a libero for those divisions that are allowed to use one, a team can use at most one libero per set.  A single uniform CAN be used for the libero position for an entire match (switching from player to player).  We ask that this be made clear to the referee before the start of the match. (this is simply a clarification and also applies to the current spring league)
  4. We will offer a 7th/8th grade girls athletic division for spring only starting in spring 2025.
  5. With the growth of our boys divisions, starting this fall, boys must play on boys teams.
  6. We will again be offering a coaches clinic and a preseason tournament this fall, both in August.  Please check the league dates on the front page of the web site for more information.



Tournament Preliminary Gym Assignments

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Updated 10/3: The tournament is fast approaching and we have put together a list of preliminary site assignments for the tournament.  These were emailed to all organization on October 1st.  Please note that when a time is listed such as 12pm-6, that means the first game starts at 12pm and the last game starts at 5pm, meaning that we hope the last game ends by 6pm.  Ben will be in touch with organizations hosting championship matches in order to get medals to them for distribution to the winner and runner up teams.  There will be a pickup on either 10/9 or 10/10.

Tournament Gym Assignments



Preseason Tournament

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We will be hosting a Preseason Tournament for all 3rd-8th grade boys and girls teams on August 17/18.  This tournament will feature teams from our league as well as teams from the Greater Cincinnati Catholic Youth Sports league.  This will be a fun tune up for the regular season.

Tournament Info

  1. 3 round robin matches
  2. Registration will open on July 15th until August 8th (NOW CLOSED)
  3. $60 registration fee per team (payable during registration) + ref fees (payable to ref before match)
  4. Coordinators can register all of their teams at once if they plan on paying the registration fees or individual coaches can register and pay for their own teams

Tournament Web Site



Fall 2022 Season Key Information

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Thank you to all coordinators who attended our meeting this evening (April 28th). It was great to see everyone again. We were able to have alot of important discussions and made some solid decisions about the Fall 2022 season. An email will be sent to all coordinators in the coming days but here are the highlights.

  1. The fall season will begin on August 24th and will run for 6 weeks of regular season play and end with a tournament on October 14-16.  No matches will be scheduled over Labor Day weekend.  Due to the earlier start, registration will open on July 25th and end on August 2nd so organizations need to get their teams together earlier this year.  One special call out, we will leave registration open until noon on Saturday, August 6th for girls 7th/8th grade teams only to allow for girls that did not make their school team to play on a team in our league.
  2. We have enough interest in the fall to once again offer a boys 5th/6th rec division again and a girls 4th grade athletic division.
  3. NEW for this fall will be a 7th/8th grade boys rec division!
  4. We will allow organizations to formed combined boys teams.  Please email the league the number of boys that you have and at what grade level (5/6 or 7/8) and we will help put you in touch with other organizations that have the same need.
  5. We will be putting together a cheat sheet of sorts for coordinators to help walk them through the registration process a bit.
  6. SAVE THE DATE for the CPYVL Pre-Season Tuneup on August 20/21.  More information will be available in a few weeks.  Teams from the CPYVL and GCCYS will compete in a friendly pre-season tuneup hosted at various sites around the city.



Fall Season Schedules Now Available

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The full season schedule is now available (8/16 8am).  These schedules were reviewed by the coordinators from each organization and feedback was provided to the league before the schedule was finalized.  Thank you to all coordinators for their feedback, almost all of which was incorporated into the schedule.

Schedules can be found in a variety of formats from the Schedule menu (by Team, by Date, by Gym).  If you are a coach, you can also view a pre-filtered version of the schedule which only shows your team from your Coach Portal.  Others who created an account on the web site and subscribed to a team or teams, can view those schedules on their Subscriber Portal.

It is important to note that now that the schedule is live, making changes to it will be very difficult.  Any feedback a coach might have with the schedule should be directed to their coordinator and not the league.  League coordinators are instructed to inform the league of any issues that might arise with the schedule and to work with the league and the coordinator of their opponent on reschedules.  The league will ignore any direct requests from coaches to reschedule or cancel matches.

Thanks and have a great season!



Spring League Information

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Here is information about our Spring 2024 season.

  1. 10 match, 6 week season beginning on April 5th and ending on May 12th
  2. Post-season single elimination tournament on May 17-19.  Each bracket will be played at a single site on a single day if possible.
  3. Girls recreational divisions for 3rd-6th individual grades, 7th/8th combined, and high school as well as 5th athletic and 6th athletic girls divisions.
  4. We will also offer a 3rd/4th, 5th/6th and a 7th/8th grade boys rec division.
  5. Geographic pod scheduling for all recreational divisions
  6. Each team must provide a lines person for each game

Here are some key pre-season dates:

  • March 1 - Registration Opens (teams can be registered, gym availability and team conflicts should be entered)
  • March 15 - Registration Closes
  • March 16/17 - Preseason Tournamnt
  • March 25-27 - Coordinator Schedule Review
  • March 29 - Schedule Released
  • April 4 - Rosters and Liability Waivers Due



Tournament Bracket Schedule

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We will be releasing the final schedule on Monday evening, but here is an idea of the schedule by bracket (we realize you don't know what bracket your team will be in, but most brackets will have 8 teams).  Sunday matches will begin at 12pm and Saturday matches will begin at 9am.  We were able to schedule all matches so that the 4 or 5 coaches with multiple teams should be able to coach all games for both teams as matches for both teams will either be on different days or the same day at the same facility.

SportsPlus Saturday

  • 3rd/4th Rec C ,D, and E brackets
  • 5th/6th Rec A and C brackets

Sports Express Saturday

  • All athletic brackets
  • 3rd/4th Rec A and B brackets

SportsPlus Sunday

  • 5th/6th Rec B and D brackets
  • 7th/8th bracket

Sports Express Sunday

  • 5th/6th Rec E and F brackets




Waivers and Compliance

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COMPLIANCE ITEMS ARE ONLY REQUIRED TO BE FILLED OUT ONCE PER SCHOOL YEARIf a team has a rostered player without a liability waiver, their games may be subject to forfeit.

This is a reminder that in order for organizations, coaches (head coaches only!), and players to participate in the CPYVL, the league needs to be in possession of online documents that need to be filled out once per school year by August 22nd at 5pm.  Coordinators and Coaches must be logged into their account to access these forms.  All coordinators are well aware of these requirements, there is no direct communication between the league and coaches and parents regarding compliance.  We communicate to our member organizations and it is their responsibility to communicate to their coaches and parents.

There is a matching process that takes place between waivers and rosters based on the last name and birth date of the player.  In some cases, the member organization has the incorrect birth date on the roster and it is the responsibility of the member organization to fix this.  If you are a parent and have correctly filled out your liability waiver, there is no need to fill out 5 others.  Have your member organization check the roster.

Organizations/Coordinators:  An Organization Agreement form must be filled out (one per organization).  This is available from the Portals->Coordinator menu.

Coaches: Coaches must fill out an online Code of Conduct form which is available from the Portals-Coach menu (you must be logged into your Coach account in order to access the form).  Coaches can check to see which of their players have liability waivers filled out by looking on their Coach Portal under My Teams and clicking on the roster icon.  Coach accounts will be created after team registration has closed (July 30th)

Players: Parents must filled out a Liability Waiver Form once per school year.  Without this form, your player is ineligible to play in our league.  Playing without a waiver may result in forfeiture of games.



Registration Metrics

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Registration is open until July 30th for everyone but 7th/8th girls which is open through August 4th.  If you'd like an idea how many teams are registering per division or organization, click on the buttons below to view some high-level registration metrics. You can also look at the Standings page. As we approve teams and assign them to pods (for rec teams), they will show up on the Standings page so you can get a better idea who your opponents will be for the upcoming season.  The podding up should be finished by March 16th.

Registered Teams by Division Registered Teams by Organization



Tournament Information

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Planning is underway for the season-ending tournament that will take place on Saturday, October 12th and Sunday, October 13th (no Friday matches).  The majority of tournament brackets will take place on a single day but a few might take place over the course of two days due to the size of the brackets and gym availability.  All teams are automatically entered into the tournament unless they communicate to us through their coordinator by September 25th that they do not want to participate.  Teams will be split into brackets of 5-10 teams (mostly by winning percentage) and the winner and runner-up for each bracket will receive individual medals.  No team will play more than 4 matches in the tournament, and most of them, 3 or less.

Here is some additional information about the tournament:

  1. Tournament matches will be played at various gyms around the city as well as Elite Athletic Sports Complex and Sports Express.  Please note that we cannot work around schedule conflicts for the tournament.
  2. A tentative gym schedule will be shared with coordinators no later than October 1st and will be based on gym availability specified on our website.
  3. As with regular season games, each coach will need to pay the referee $15, both teams should provide a lines person, and the "home team" should work the scoreboard.  The home team is always the higher seed.
  4. Since it is a single elimination tournament, if a team wins the first two sets, a third set will NOT be played.
  5. Individual medals will be given out to players on the 1st and 2nd place teams in each bracket.
  6. Recreational teams will not be moved up to play in athletic divisions for the tournament.  Teams, however, may be moved between different athletic divisions within the same age group based on regular season performance.
  7. The recreational divisions will typically be split into 6-8 team brackets based on regular season winning percentage across all pods.  So the "best" 6-10 teams will play in the A bracket, the next "best" 6-10 teams will play in the B bracket, etc ...  This is the same methodology we have used in the past.
  8. The schedule will be released on Tuesday evening, October 8th and we will base the bracket assignments and seedings on all regular season results as reported by 9pm on Sunday, October 6th.  If we can provide guidance on where brackets will be playing in advance of the 6th, we will do so.
  9. Once the schedule is released we CANNOT change it.  We have such a small window for these games, there can be absolutely no changes.  If a team cannot make it, they will need to forfeit the match and will need to pay the ref fee.
  10. If your team will NOT be participating in the tournament, coaches or coordinators please email the league no later than September 25th!



Tournament Schedule Now Available

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The tournament schedule has been released!  Please check the brackets to determine your schedule for tournament weekend.  All match times are final.  Tournament schedule is also available from the Schedule menu.

Here are a few notes about the tournament:

  1. Seeding and bracket assignment were done based on scores reported by 9pm on Sunday (10/6).  We seed teams mostly by winning percentage and head-to-head (if applicable) is used  to break ties between teams with identical records.  Any scores reported or changed after 9pm on 10/6 were NOT taken into consideration.
  2. Forfeits wins/losses are generally not taken into consideration when seeding as they don't provide helpful information to determine strength of a team.
  3. Coordinators, please check your gym schedule.  Some changes have been made since the preliminary gym assignments were shared last week.
  4. Individual medals are awarded to all players on the 1st and 2nd place team in each bracket

Coaches, please note that as during the regular season, you must pay the referee (same rate as regular season) and provide one line judge.  If the tournament host does not provide a scoreboard operator, the home team should provide someone to perform this duty.

As a reminder, tournament matches end after one team wins two sets so if a team wins the first two sets, a third set is NOT played.  Please keep this in mind in regards to playing time rules.

Check out the links below.  You can also access this tournament information from the Tournament option on the Schedule menu.  An easy way to find which bracket your team is playing in is to go to the Find My Bracket link and enter the last name of your coach.

Find My Bracket  Physical Bracket  Schedule by Bracket  Schedule by Gym 



Lindsay's Law

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Please read the following information from the Ohio Department of Health regarding Lindsay's Law which addresses Sudden Cardiac Arrest in youth athletes.  The law went into effect on August 1, 2017.  The CPYVL is simply providing this information as guidance as it is incumbent upon each organization to make sure they are compliant with the state of Ohio.  You can read more about Lindsay's Law on the Ohio Department of Health web site:   READ ABOUT LINDSAY'S LAW 

We have included links to resources below which might be helpful for our members, but please note that it is the obligation of your organization to make sure everyone for their program is trained and in compliance with the Ohio state law.

The following resources were developed to implement Lindsay’s Law:

For parents/guardians and youth athletes:

For coaches:

If you are a coach for an interscholastic sport and are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education, please visit their website for information about their training requirements around Lindsay’s Law.

If you are a coach in a community program, please use the following resources:



Unclaimed Coach Accounts

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On July 18th, all teams for the fall volleyball season were set to "Approved" status which triggers the creation of web site account for coaches. If you received an email from the web site with account information but did not reply within 24 hours OR you never received an email, you need to claim your account. To do so, please request a new password by navigating to the Password Reset Page and enter the email address that your coordinator gave the league. If you are not sure which email address this is, then go to the Teams Page on the Organization menu and look for the email address associated with your team. When you request a new password, if the system does not recognize your email address or you never receive a subsequent email (it should happen within 30 minutes), please Contact Us and we will get it sorted out. Thanks!




Game Change Notifications

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Once the schedule for the fall season has been published, the league will activate game change notifications. From that point forward when a scheduled game has a change in location, a change in game time, or either of the two teams are changed, you can receive an email or SMS text message notification. In addition, when a new game is added to the schedule or a game is removed from the schedule, canceled, or postponed, you will also receive a notification

In order to receive notifications, you must have a user account on the web site (click on the Register link in the upper left corner of the web site to create one). Simply choose the organization you are associated with and then choose the teams you want to follow (up to 5). You can then choose the types of notifications you would like to receive. Please make sure you enter a valid email address and if you want to receive SMS text message notifications that you enter a valid phone number including area code

A quick note about game statuses. A game starts out as "scheduled" and then when the game has been completed it will change to "completed" or "forfeited" if one of the teams does not show up. If one of the teams cannot make the scheduled game but the game will be rescheduled, it will be placed in "postponed" status. If the location or time of a game is changed, the status of the game will be changed to "rescheduled".



Register for an Account

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Account registration is now open for those that want to follow and subscribe to teams. To register, please click on the Register link in the upper left corner of the web site. You will be asked to choose a user name, password, and enter your first and last names and email address. Choose the organization you are affiliated with and then one of more teams from the organization that you want to follow. You can also choose to subscribe to a number of different email and text message notifications.

Once you have created your account, you can login to the web site and will now notice a Portals menu which has a Subscriber option. By choosing that option, you will see your own personal portal with information about the teams you are following. PLEASE NOTE ... that coaches and coordinators have accounts with higher level access created for them. Coaches and coordinators CAN create their own account if they like, but PLEASE USE THE EMAIL ADDRESS that your school/parish supplied to the league. Coordinator or coach privileges will be added to your account after your organization contact information or team information has been communicated to the league.

Regular account holders can choose to subscribe to the following types of notifications:

  1. Game Change Notifications - receive an email or text message any time a scheduled game is changed (new location or time), added, or removed from the schedule.
  2. League Announcements - receive an email of any league wide announcements that are published on the web site.
  3. Score Reporting Reminder - Coaches can choose to receive an email with a link to the score reporting form which will be sent during the game.